Office Tom and the Spirit of Christmas

Office Tom is a really great office manager. He keeps things purring along and is always on top of things–papers, the keyboard, my arm as I type, you know.

He’s also a really great sport about this holiday. Every year I dress him up in a new holiday outfit. He is never happy, often miffed, and sometimes, just humiliated.

This year was the same. But he wore the costume, even though he was not happy about sharing it. So, I share it with you!

Notice that he will not turn around after he is dressed. I had to go to the side to get the picture. He didn’t want to look at me.

I am so appreciative of his good nature and all he does to help me get things done.





He did want me to tell you that he is going to do a Cats of Greece blog about all the cats I saw when I was in Greece. He has asked me to take pics of all the cats I saw when friends and I toured Greece over the summer. I’ve been a slacker (read working too much) so it’s late. But I am going to put up my blogs and his pictures with his comments about his feline colleagues overseas soon.